Titan Injection is known for excellent meat processing equipment and Colombia meat injectors. Our machinery is designed and manufactured specifically to meet the harsh demands of the Colombia meat processing industry. The Titan Series delivers exceptional results for marinating and meat tenderizing. Needle head technology evenly distributes brine. This results in high yields with accurate precision.
Our injection systems are designed to increase and improve productivity and taste. Colombian meat processors can now maximize production while enhancing the quality of the finished product. Our meat processing equipment can even be customized to meet your Colombian facility’s needs. We build to your specifications, ensuring top results.
Meat Injectors for Meat Processing in Colombia
The Titan Series delivers exceptional marinating and meat tenderizing for Colombian meat processing facilities. The Titan Series Injectors ensure uniform distribution, improved retention, and increased productivity. Our fabrication team can even design machinery that has bone-in or boneless options for optimal performance.
Titan Injectors are proudly made in the USA.
All American parts and standard components assure optimum performance and reliability.
Colombia Response Team
Titan Injection serves food processors all over Colombia. Our team supports Colombian companies in improving their operation. We do this by offering Colombian companies a complete line of products for marination, injection, mixing, and cooling. Our team strives to serve all of your commercial meat processing needs.
We also provide continual support for the life of your machine. Our Colombian partners receive the same quality service as our American partners. The Titan Response Team will travel anywhere in Colombia to ensure your satisfaction, whether you need an installation, maintenance, or a replacement.